A truly INCREDIBLE year 2018 is coming to an end...

The first year in which we have been able to dedicate ourselves 100% to Morrison, after having left our jobs. If we look back, it was the right decision, although we already knew that. We would have given anything to devote ourselves only to Morrison, without caring if it was going to turn out well or badly.

This 2018 has been a year of accelerated learning for us in every sense. We have known in depth all that part that is never told when starting a business: accounting, stock management, taxes, customer service... We have made mistakes many times, and that has helped us learn and become better professionals.

But we have done many things to be proud of. We have launched our collection of t-shirts , our collection of socks and what we think is the best sneaker collection in our history , which includes a 100% vegan model and another exclusive one for the female public.

We have also been encouraged to give the international jump. We couldn't think of any other way to do it than by resorting again to our beloved Crowdfunding.... and the truth is that we had success that we did not expect. Get more than 133,000 euros in 30 days of campaign It was something that was not even in the best of our dreams.

This 2018 they have opened the doors of El Mundo, ABC, TVE, COPE or El País , among others, to tell Morrison's story to anyone who wanted to hear it.

To close the year, we have landed in the physical world with our colleagues at Hutton. We are already in almost 10 physical stores throughout Spain , so you can see, try and buy the Morrisons in person. In addition, we will soon open our own Showroom in Madrid, so you can also come and meet us.

We apologize to all of you who have experienced delays or after-sales problems. We have done everything we could to prevent it from happening, but we work with people and we know that everyone can make mistakes or have a bad day. In 2019 it will be one of the points of improvement.

For our part, We left the Morrison house. The house where we have lived and worked for 2 years, to move to our new office , which will be on the ground floor of the new Showroom. We want to continue growing and new people will join the Morrison team. It wasn't a plan to bring them to work in the living room ;) ;)

We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking Morrison and the Lighthouse to all corners of the planet. There are more and more of you and we are convinced that soon we will be the Spanish sneaker brand in the world.

Happy 2019.

Álvaro, Pablo and Álvaro.