A year ends that we will never forget. For us, 2016 will always be special, because it is the year we created Morrison, a dream come true for 3 teenage friends who have put all our energies into this brand, because we are truly passionate about it.
The beginning of this adventure, in the month of May, could not have been better. Our Crowdfunding was a complete success. More than 350 people trusted us, which allowed us to double the funding goal we had set for ourselves. We distributed more than 500 pairs of sneakers and 150 t-shirts. Almost 23,000 euros received in just 20 days of the campaign. Morrison was now real and we had decided to go for it.
The opening of our online store, on October 10, was no less impressive: 150 pairs sold in the first 48 hours and the entire stock sold out in the first two weeks. We replaced sneakers as quickly as we could to meet your requests, but we know that there are still many of you who are waiting for your size to be part of this project.
Because for us, every person who buys Morrisons is already part of this. We consider you one more. Someone who trusts us and, at the same time, expects everything from us. And we are not going to let you down.
At the moment, with almost no shoes to sell thanks to your impressive reception, we are waiting like May rain for the new production, which will arrive (we hope) at the end of January.
With everything we experienced in 2016, the good and the bad too, it will always be one of our unforgettable years; although we are convinced that 2017 will surpass it .
The best is yet to come, without a doubt. We hope to go big this year. Grow as a company and as people. In the end, the best thing about this extraordinary experience we are living is learning day by day and improving.
We hope that you too have had a great 2016 and that you arrive with the best of attitudes into 2017. If it hasn't been good, don't worry, today begins another opportunity to improve.