What are vegan shoes and what are they made of?

Do you have a hard time finding shoes that look cool and are also vegan ? Have you just started veganism, need new shoes and don't know what materials are vegan?

If you feel lost, don't worry, you're in the right place! At Morrison we know that information is power, therefore, in this article, we become your Lighthouse to enlighten you and clear all your doubts about what veggie shoes are and what they are made of .

Here we go!

What are vegan shoes?

The first lesson to immerse yourself in the world of vegan footwear is to clarify what they are . Ok, it seems obvious, but believe us that there may be concepts that you may miss if you are starting out in the veggie world.

As you can imagine, vegan footwear is a type of shoe that is made from cruelty-free materials , that is, free of animal suffering.

When choosing vegan shoes, it is very important that you make sure that all their parts include vegan materials because, spoiler: Sometimes only the sole is vegan, or the side covers, or the insoles... Therefore, your mission Before adding them to the cart, you must carefully read and check that all the footwear itself is vegan.

How do you make vegan shoes?

In addition to including materials that are 100% vegan, it is essential that, when manufacturing vegan shoes, no byproducts that come from animals are included .

For example, it is essential that no waxes or glues whose ingredients are of animal origin are used.

Likewise, it is essential that the brand does not use materials that have previously been tested on animals.

This is important in a vegan shoe production process, since, for a shoe to be cruelty-free, it must not include any material or product that has been tested on animals.

Vegan shoe materials

Thanks to advances, the popularity of the vegan philosophy and the creativity of many brands, today there are many cruelty-free materials with which you can make cool vegan shoes .

And we must get away from the idea that vegan shoes are boring or that their prints are unattractive because... Nowadays, nothing is further from the truth.

By combining certain materials, you can make original vegan sneakers with a design that will make them your favorite sneakers.

Thanks to materials such as vegan corduroy , synthetic nappa , microfiber or cotton , at Morrison we create vegan sneakers with a different and iconic aesthetic.

Are all vegan shoes eco-friendly?

The answer is simple and quick: No, not all vegan shoes are ecological .

And both concepts are often confused. What is thought to be good and respectful for animals is also usually considered to be positive for the environment.

But you can find vegan shoes with materials that are polluting and, therefore, not ecological.

And... How can you know if the vegan sneakers, which you want to buy so much, are also ecological sneakers ?

For example, sneakers are made from recycled materials . A plus for your vegan shoes to be ecological is that they are made with recycled materials . That the brand has reused materials to manufacture its sneakers is essential, since the materials will not have to be produced from scratch , so they are less polluting.

PS: At Morrison you can buy vegan sneakers made with recycled rubber. Do you want an example? Our Varsity meets this or our Arabic. Check them out!

How do I know if my shoes are vegan?

As we have told you, to know if a shoe is vegan, you must look at its materials to confirm that they are vegan. Of course, it should not include materials such as leather, silk, animal-based glues...

In addition, vegan footwear usually includes a label that differentiates it and highlights it as vegan. At Morrison, you can find this label on the product sheet of the shoes. So, if you buy online, you can check if the sneakers you want include the “Vegan” label.

In our online store, you can find in our vegan sneakers category, a wide variety of shoes that include this label.

So, if you want to buy vegan sneakers online , Morrison is the ideal place!

Take a look at our models and... We assure you that you will fall in love at first sight with more than one of them. Get yours now and show the world that vegan shoes CAN be cool!