Terms and Conditions La La Love You Giveaway




Morrison Clothing, SL with registered office at C/ Sancho Dávila number 15, 2o 2, 28028 MADRID, with CIF B87588430, organizes a nationwide promotion, called “LA LA LOVE YOU GIVEAWAY” (hereinafter, the “ PROMOTION” ), with the purpose of offering an incentive for customer clients.


The PROMOTION is aimed at people residing in the national territory. Only people over 18 years of age may take part in the PROMOTION. Entries that do not meet these requirements or any of them will be automatically discarded, even if they are winners.


The PROMOTION will start on Thursday, February 8, 2023 and will end on Wednesday, February 13, 2023.


The PROMOTION will be communicated through the company's official Instagram profile: @morrisonshoes and by newsletter to the Morrison database.


Participation in the PROMOTION is free of charge.


Morrison Clothing , SL is carrying out a PROMOTION in which the participant who performs the mechanics defined in section 7.3. may be the winner of the prize provided for in section 7.2.

7.2) Prizes

There will be 1 prize that will consist of a double ticket to the La La Love You concert at WiZink Center in Madrid on March 15, 2024.

7.3) Mechanics

The mechanics of the contest will mean that participating users register with their FULL NAME and EMAIL to the form that will be disseminated through the IG stories of @morrisonshoes and by newsletter to the Morrison Shoes customer database.

For those who register through the newsletter, they will be granted the benefit of “double participation” since they are users belonging to “MORRISON MEMBERS”.

The resolution of the draw will be carried out through an external tool that counts the number of users and the number of participations and chooses the winners at random. Morrison reserves the right to share this process as it exposes external data.


The person who wins will be sent an email on Wednesday, March 13 between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. in which they will be asked to confirm attendance and after this, the tickets will be sent to them. If you do not confirm, you will lose said prize. The draw would not be repeated, since we understand that the participants are interested and attentive to the draw.


To be eligible for any of the prizes provided for in this PROMOTION, the participant must:

  • - Be of legal age; and
  • - Comply with the mechanics defined in section 7.3 of these Rules.
    All entries will be accepted that enter until March 13, 2024, no later than 1:00 p.m. From this time onwards, the PROMOTION participation period will be closed.

The PROMOTION calendar is as follows: Morrison Shoes.

  1. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash or any other prize.
  2. Morrison reserves the right to change the elements of the prizes included in this PROMOTION for others of equal value when there is just cause.
  3. The participant expressly consents, and by the mere fact of participating in this PROMOTION, that Morrison may use his name for the purposes of announcing the winner of the prizes to the rest of the users and without generating any remuneration in his favor.
  4. Morrison is not responsible for the winner's use of the prizes. Morrison will not be responsible for any incident that occurs after delivery and during their enjoyment.

Likewise, the marketing and/or sale of the prizes is prohibited. If actions aimed at reselling the prizes are detected (either directly or indirectly under the guise of sale or donation from another Morrison Clothing SL will immediately demand their return, reserving the exercise of the

appropriate extrajudicial and judicial measures, including those aimed at protecting its corporate image. Likewise, you may bring these actions to the attention of the corresponding authorities.


Morrison Clothing, SL will contact the winner in order to formalize the delivery of the prizes. Morrison Clothing, SL will send an email to the winner, in order to formalize their delivery, as well as the request for their acceptance. The winner will confirm within 12 hours of sending the private message or email their acceptance by the same means, including the responses and data requested.

If within the period indicated in the previous paragraph, the awarded person does not send the required documentation to confirm their interest in receiving the prizes, it will be understood that they do not accept them and, therefore, renounce them. In these circumstances, Morrison Clothing, SL . will act as described in stipulation 11.6.


Morrison Clothing, SL will send the prizes to the winner, specifying, depending on their type, the delivery method when contacting the winners. If the shipment has started, the delivery does not come to fruition for reasons beyond the control of Morrison Clothing, SL and due to the need to make a resend, Morrison Clothing, SL will not be responsible for the costs thereof.


The deadline for the winner to claim delivery of the prizes that have been awarded to them will expire 12 hours after the winner confirmation email has been sent, as long as they comply with all the requirements established in these Rules.


The participant in this PROMOTION consents to their personal data being processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, as well as the applicable national regulations on data protection, to the development of this PROMOTION.

We use this information to manage the contractual relationship established with you and included in the Bases of this PROMOTION. Your data will be deleted when it is no longer necessary for the specific promotional activity, unless it is used for another additional purpose, in which case the conservation periods provided for this purpose in our Privacy Policy must be adhered to. . In case of doubt, the participant can always contact Morrison Clothing, SL at orders@morrisonshoes.com to learn more details about these deadlines.

The mechanics of the PROMOTION require that the data be provided truthfully and completely and that it be kept updated thanks to the cooperation of the participant. If the personal data is false, incomplete or not updated, Morrison Clothing, SL . would be released with respect to the specific cases of the successful completion of the PROMOTION and any consequence related to the above, ultimately leading to the non-declaration of beneficiaries of the PROMOTION.

If, in accordance with the mechanics of the PROMOTION, the participant can mention third parties (family, friends, etc.), whoever carries out this option declares, under his or her responsibility, to have expressly informed of the transfer and processing of the data. personal data of the third parties mentioned in the terms set forth in this stipulation. The participant who carries out the mention will be the sole and exclusive responsible for any adverse consequence and/or sanction that may arise from the absence of the consent of third parties to process their personal data and/or any non-compliance on their part. of data protection regulations, with said participant obligating to hold Morrison Clothing, SL harmless . against any claim that may be filed as a result of said breaches.

Likewise, if in accordance with the mechanics of the PROMOTION, the participant can also upload images or videos in which third parties appear (family, friends, etc.), whoever carries out this option states, under their responsibility, that they have expressly informed of the transfer and processing of the personal data of third parties that appear in the aforementioned photographs or videos in the terms set forth in this stipulation. Likewise, the participant who uploads the photographs or videos will be the sole and exclusive person responsible for any adverse consequence and/or sanction that may arise from the absence of information from third parties to process their image and/or the eventual breaches on their part of Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, on civil protection of the right to honor, personal and family privacy and self-image and other implementing regulations, with said participant obligating to hold Morrison harmless Clothing, SL against any claim that may be filed as a result of said breaches.

Once the PROMOTION is over, Morrison Clothing, SL . will retain the data you have provided for the purpose of informing you about new promotions and products distributed by Morrison Clothing, SL . Thus, and in compliance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, as well as the applicable national regulations on data protection and Law 34/2002, of July 11 , information society services and electronic commerce, the participant gives his consent to Morrison Clothing, SL to receive commercial communications about future promotions or products distributed by Morrison Clothing, SL. The recipient may revoke the consent given to him at any time. the receipt of commercial communications with the simple notification of your will to the sender by contacting the Legal Department at the address expressed previously in this stipulation of these Bases.

The participant can exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation to data processing and data portability. You can do so by sending a request to Morrison Clothing, SL at C/ Castelló 117, 7o 745, or to the following email address: ventas@morrisonshoes.com , attaching a copy of your ID or documentation proving your identity.


  1. Morrison Clothing, SL reserves the right to cancel this PROMOTION or suspend it, or change some of its conditions if, for technical reasons or any other reason beyond its control, it cannot comply with its normal development, as stipulated. in these Bases.
  2. Likewise, Morrison Clothing, SL may declare this PROMOTION void if it detects irregularities in the participant's identification data.
  3. Morrison Clothing, SL is not responsible for the veracity of the data provided by the participant. Consequently, if the data provided is not correct or has errors, Morrison Clothing, SL is not responsible for not being able to contact the potential winner to communicate the result or to manage the delivery of the prizes with them.
  4. Morrison Clothing, SL reserves the right to justifiably eliminate any user who defrauds, alters or renders unusable the proper functioning and the normal and regulatory course of this PROMOTION.
  5. The participant expressly consents, and by the mere fact of participating in this PROMOTION, that Morrison Clothing, SL may use their personal data as well as exploit the photographs, videos and any other comments provided by them, for commercial and/or advertising purposes. , without any territorial or temporal limitation, and without any remuneration being generated in their favor.
  6. Workers or employees of Morrison Clothing, SL and/or its subsidiaries, employees of its distributors, employees of the advertising or PROMOTION agency, nor direct or indirect collaborators who have participated in the PROMOTION may not participate in the PROMOTION. or in the printing of the corresponding materials.
  7. Content of any kind not related to the mechanics of the PROMOTION may be deleted and will not be included in the PROMOTION, as well as all comments that do not respect these Rules or good customs, are comments of an illicit, vandalistic, pejorative, or racist nature. , that incite violent acts, have an advertising nature unrelated to the products of Morrison Clothing, SL and the company, and/or infringe rights of third parties, including minors, weak social groups, people affected by disabilities and/or minorities, or have a religious, sexual and/or political content.
  1. In the event that this PROMOTION requires participation through a contest, game or any other mechanism that takes place on one or more Internet pages, Morrison Clothing, SL excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the temporary lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the game or Website through which the PROMOTION is participated, to the fraud of the utility that users could have attributed to it, and in particular, although not exclusively, to failures in accessing the different pages, and sending participation responses over the Internet.
  2. In the event that this PROMOTION requires participation through a raffle or winning moments, the purpose of this PROMOTION is that the prizes are distributed among the largest possible number of consumers of the products that are the subject of it. Thus, in the event that during the draw(s) and/or winning moments in question, the same participant repeatedly wins, Morrison Clothing, SL reserves the right to award only one unit, granting the prizes in question. to the winners in reserve.
  3. In the event that any of the prizes consist of attendance at an event (for example: concert, match, exhibition, gala, etc.), Morrison Clothing, SL is not responsible for the impossibility of accessing the event due to non-compliance. of the winner of the conditions established by the organizer or promoter to attend it, nor of the suspension or postponement of said event for reasons beyond the control of Morrison Clothing, SL

Likewise, Morrison Clothing, SL is not responsible for any incidents that may occur at the event and/or for its delay or cancellation.

Morrison Clothing, SL is not responsible for the exercise of the right of admission to the venues where the events are held and which results in the impossibility of attending them.

  1. If applicable, the companion(s), like the winner, must be of legal age.
  2. Where applicable, third parties mentioned in the comments or whose images appear in uploaded photographs or videos, like the participant, must be of legal age.
  3. Instagram has no responsibility towards the participant.

The PROMOTION is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Instagram.

The participant provides information to Morrison Clothing, SL and not to RRSS.

  1. The participant authorizes Morrison Clothing, SL, to reproduce, distribute, transform and publicly communicate the photograph, video, recording, phrase or comment (or, where applicable, posts on social networks or tweets ) that he or she contributes to the PROMOTION, as well as to use and disseminate your name and surname as selected, finalist and/or winner, in any advertising and/or promotional activity related to this PROMOTION, all in any medium (including, but not limited to, its digital exploitation ) without said activities conferring the right to remuneration, consideration or any economic benefit with the exception of the delivery of prizes won in accordance with these Rules. This authorization will be carried out for the maximum allowed in accordance with current regulations in the temporal and territorial scope.

The photographs, videos, recordings, phrases or comments (or, where appropriate, posts on social networks or tweets ) that are shared must be original, with the participant declaring that he or she is the author of them and has obtained, where appropriate, the authorization of the people whose image, video or phrase could have been used, for publication in accordance with the mechanics of the PROMOTION.

Additionally, the participant states that the photographs, videos, recordings, phrases or comments (or, where applicable, posts on social networks or tweets ) do not violate third-party rights. Morrison Clothing, SL may eliminate any participant whose photographs, videos, recordings, phrases or comments (or, where applicable, tweets) may be illegal, may offend the sensitivity of third parties, present illegal activities, are offensive or violate third-party rights. .

Morrison Clothing, SL will be exonerated from any claim that may arise in this regard.


Morrison Clothing, SL promotions are governed by current legislation in Spain.

For any controversy that may arise in the interpretation and application of these Rules, both Morrison Clothing, SL and the participant in this PROMOTION, expressly submit to the Jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Seville, waiving their own jurisdiction if necessary. there was

Morrison Clothing, SL, reserves the right to take legal action against those who carry out any type of act that could be considered manipulation or falsification of the PROMOTION.


The potential participant is informed that the simple fact of taking part in the PROMOTION implies full acceptance of these Rules. Any statement to the contrary by the participant will imply their exclusion from the PROMOTION and Morrison Clothing, SL will be released from compliance with the obligation contracted with said participant.

In Madrid, March 7, 2024.